Six Sigma Black Belts

Lean Six Sigma has today become one of the most prevalent methodologies to achieve higher levels of performance and many of the success stories in Lean Six Sigma revolve around effective change agents.
Our Black Belt programme aims to enable your transformation into an effective change agent. Coping with the constant change encompassing business growth, geographical expansion and competing environment, it has become imperative to leverage pertinent benchmarking inputs to derive near accurate conclusions. While business objectives are often brainstormed in board meetings and leadership forums, there remains a void in how they are translated to organizational capability, benchmark and process performance.
Six sigma is a set of techniques that follows a methodological approach for bringing process improvements by aligning organizational goals Organizations worldwide seek experts who understand the strategic objectives of businesses, critical requirements and operational goals to drive improvement.
Every service industry/organization seeks for process experts with Six Sigma techniques to be a leader in the competitive market.
The Six Sigma Green Belt Expert training course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to become a successful Process excellence expert It starts with the fundamental concepts of Understanding VOC, converting them into potential projects, Base lining measure to advance topics of Analyzing data, improving process/ metric and ensure consistency.
- Quality System Managers
- Quality Engineers
- Quality Supervisors
- Quality Analysts and Managers
- Quality Auditors
- Process development engineer
- Lead manufacturing engineer
- Operating system specialist
- Senior IT project manager
- Business process analyst
- Individuals who want to learn and practice Lean Six Sigma Principles
- Lean Six Sigma consultant
- Increase your knowledge of Process Management, Six Sigma and Lean techniques as Business Process Improvement methodologies.
- Increase your skills at improving the ease and performance of the processes in which you work.
- To gain an understanding of your role as a process team member for the achievement of business success.
- To select and improve one of the process you either own or work in.
- Process and performance transformation.
- Know and apply the basic concepts
- Demonstrate use of the terminology
- Understand process inputs and outputs
- Understand process flow and know what determines value add vs. non value add
- Understand how the processes you are a part of fit into the larger set of processes needed in delivering value to the customer
- Create a detailed Process Map of a process you are personally involved in.
- Improve a process you are personally involved in using Process Management, Six Sigma methods and Principles to improve its performance.